[C++-sig] Compile C++ to python extension
Quentin Blanchon
2015-04-23 08:28:00 UTC
I'm trying to compile C++ class to a python module extension.
I found a way here:

but it doesn't work with versions after boost_1_54, because /tools/build/v2
doesn't exist.
I need help to do this with last update and i need some explaination about
how to link the needed libraries.

Thanks for any help.
Stefan Seefeld
2015-04-24 12:50:20 UTC
Post by Quentin Blanchon
I'm trying to compile C++ class to a python module extension.
I found a way
here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/python/doc/building.html#configuring-boost-build
but it doesn't work with versions after boost_1_54, because
/tools/build/v2 doesn't exist.
I need help to do this with last update and i need some explaination
about how to link the needed libraries.
Unless you are restricted to a particular version of Boost, I recommend
using the latest version. In particular, please always use the version
of the documentation corresponding to your version of the library.

Then report any discrepancies you find. (For issues with the build
system I recommend the Boost mailing list, where many more people hang
around that are able to help with Boost.Build issues.)

...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...